Saturday, February 14, 2009

THE APEIRON ISLAND HOTEL, “offshore” dubai

Designed by UK’s Sybarite Architects, the futuristic and exclusive 7-star Apeiron Island Hotel will be 300m from the coast of Dubai. Access to the hotel is restricted to yatch (water) and helicopter (air) only.

For the ultimate in arrival and departure style, yachts can moor in the heart of the building’s core while helicopter will land at a helipad, 55 metres above the Arabian Gulf and connecting to the hotel’s ninth floor.

The 28-storey hotel environs will have an artificial crescent-shaped beach, private lagoons and a central lagoon with colourful coral reefs surrounding it.
The hotel contains 438 suites, private cinemas, luxury boutiques, conference rooms and restaurants. The hotel’s internal facade has louvers to prevent direct sunlight and will made up of solar cells as is the ribbon that frames the building that can generate some energy for the entire hotel.

Not just that, the hotel will feature an underwater restaurant with views into the surrounding lagoon, an underwater gym and spa, an art gallery, …and the top two floors of the hotel will have a temperature-controlled butterfly jungle - a tropical habitat nearly 200m above water level !!!
WOW such a GRAND! 7-star hotel…
- THE END - The Apeiron - Malaysia City Wonders of Dubai First Edition

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